Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does Slow - No Wake mean?A. SLOW - NO WAKE means moving at the slowest speed possible while still maintaining steerage.
PLEASE NOTE: Arkansas boating regulations state that: “slow, no wake speed” means "A speed at which the vessel does not produce a wake, not to exceed 5 miles per hour." |
Q:Can I leave my US Flag on display at night? A: The Flag Code
states it is the universal custom to
display the
flag only from sunrise to sunset on
buildings and on stationary flag staffs in
the open. However, when a patriotic effect
is desired, the flag may be displayed 24
hours a day if properly illuminated during
the hours of darkness. The American Legion
interprets “ proper illumination” as a
light specifically placed to illuminate
the flag (preferred) or having a light
source sufficient to illuminate the flag
so it is recognizable as such by the
casual observer.
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